Picosecond 7.5 mg / ml + 10 mg / ml 15 ml oral drops

  • $8.10
Sku: e3cb9c05a42b
Ingredient: Sodium Picosulphate
Trade name

the International unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form
of the Drop oral

the Structure
of 1 ml of drug contains
active agents: sodium pikosulfat 7.5 mg,
Sennas of leaves extract dry (4-6:1) 10 mg,
excipients: sorbite (E 420), sodium methylparahydroxybenzoate (E 219), Acidum hydrochloricum of 2%, fragrance Alpine herbs And: 221.089, the water purified.

The description
Liquid of orange-brown color with a characteristic fragrant smell, sweetish on taste. At storage the formation of a deposit is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Contact laxatives. Sodium pikosulfat in a combination with other drugs.
The ATX A06A B58 code

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics Not properties
the Pharmacodynamics
Pikosen – the combined contact depletive is studied.
Sodium pikosulfat with triarilmetanovy group it is activated in a large intestine under the influence of bacterial sulphatases. Substance which is released at the same time stimulates sensitive nerve terminations of a mucous membrane of intestines, enhances his motility.
Antraglikozida Sennas slow down absorption of liquid and stimulate a vermicular movement of walls of intestines.

- the constipations or states demanding defecation simplification

the Route of administration and doses
by the Adult and to children of 12 years to apply till 10-20 drops of 1 times a day, for the night that bowel emptying happened the next morning.
Duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

Side effects
- allergic reactions (Quincke's disease, a small tortoiseshell, hyperaemia and an itching)
- the dispepsichesky phenomena (diarrhea, nausea, a meteorism, vomiting)
- spasms and an abdominal pain

of the Contraindication
- the increased individual sensitivity to drug components
- intestinal impassability
- an abdominal pain of unspecified origin
- acute surgical diseases of abdominal organs (an acute appendicitis, nonspecific ulcer colitis and others)
- hemorrhoids, rectum cracks, a spastic colitis
- hepatitis
- pancreatitis
- a nephrosonephritis
- dehydration and disturbance of electrolytic balance
- hereditary intolerance of fructose
- children's age up to 12 years
- pregnancy and the period of a lactation

Medicinal interactions
Simultaneous use of high doses of PIKOSENA with diuretics or andrenokortikosteroida can increase risk of disturbance of electrolytic balance that can lead to increase in sensitivity to cardiac glycosides.
Simultaneous treatment by antibiotics can reduce laxative effect of drug.

Special instructions
it is not necessary to take the drug every day or during the long period without establishment of the cause of a constipation.
Prolonged use of drug can be led to an imbalance and a hypopotassemia and also to become the reason of accustoming and constipations owing to effect of ricochet.
Use in pediatrics
is not recommended to use Drug at children and teenagers up to 12 years.
Features of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous to mechanisms

the Overdose
Symptoms does not influence: diarrhea, spasms (gripes) in a stomach and clinically significant disturbances of water and electrolytic balance (a hypopotassemia, loss of other electrolytes and liquid), ischemia of a mucous membrane of a large intestine. The long overdose leads ment of chronic diarrhea and an abdominal pain, a hypopotassemia, a secondary hyper aldosteronism, damage of kidneys and development of a nephrolithiasis, a metabolic alkalosis, a hypopotassemia and muscle weakness is possible.
Treatment: wash out a stomach, appoint enterosorbents (activated carbon), symptomatic treatment (carrying out correction of water and electrolytic balance, use of spasmolysants).

A form of release and packing
On 15 ml or 25 ml in the bottles corked with traffic jams and covers.
Each bottle together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages put in a pack from cardboard for a retail container or cardboard chrome ersatz of waste.

Storage conditions
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not higher than 25 wasps.
To store out of children's reach!

The period of storage

Drug should not be used 3 years on expiry date.

Prescription status
Without prescription

LLC DKP Pharmatsevticheskaya fabrika Producer, Ukraine
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