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Perregin 2g vaginal suppositories 10s

  • $31.40
Sku: d1a7c623998a
The instruction for medical use of a product of medical purpose the Name of a product of medical purpose Perregin suppositories vaginal 2 g the No. 10 Structure and the description of a product contains 1 suppository: Ingredients: the % mg Semi-synthetic glycerides 1825,4 91,27 Fat-soluble extract of a camomile 20.0 1 Fat-soluble extract scarlet 20.0 1 Fat-soluble extract of a calendula 50,0 2,5 Tea tree oil 4,0 0,2 Palmitate of vitamin A 10,0 0,5 Acetate of vitamin E 5,0 0,25 18 β-glitsirretovy acid 15,0 0,75 Lactic acid 0,6 0,03 Sodium hyaluronate 10,0 0,5 Silicons dioxide colloidal 40.0 2 Perregin is the combined means which is used for treatment and prevention of infections of a mucous membrane of a vagina of inflammatory and dystrophic character, a bacterial vaginosis, a fungal vaginitis, periodically repeating infections of urinary tract. Fat-soluble extract of a camomile contains essential oils (hamazulen), flavonoids, phytosterols, glycosides, coumarins, organic acids, B1 and B2 vitamins, β-carotene. Extract of a camomile possesses anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungalny, antiseptic, soothing actions, promotes fast healing, catalyzing regenerative processes of a mucous membrane of a vagina. Fat-soluble extract scarlet contains essential oils (allantoin), about 20 amino acids, β-carotene, vitamins of group B, C and E, antioxidants, cellulose, enzymes, macro - and microelements. Extract renders scarlet anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic (it is effective concerning staphylococcal and streptococcal infections), the biostimulating, regenerative and antiviral actions, kills pain, hypostasis, an itching and burnings of a mucous membrane of a vagina. Fat-soluble extract of a calendula contains sterols (β-sitosterol), triterpenoida, flavonoids, carotinoids (antioxidant lutein, β-carotene), essential oils, coumarins, macrocells (To, Sa, Mg, Fe) and microelements (Mn, Zn), organic acids (apple and salicylic), bitter substances (kalenden). Extract of a calendula possesses anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing, bactericidal (concerning streptococci and stafilokokk) actions, promotes improvement of epithelization and local protective mechanisms. Tea tree oil contains more than 100 derivative terpenes, the most active of which are terpinen-4-ol, linalyl ester, α-terpineol. Lipophilic terpineols, getting through cellular membranes of bacteria have pernicious effect on their membrane structure and functioning. Tea tree oil possesses antibacterial action in the relations Gram (+) and Gram (-) of bacteria, barmy and fungal infections. Palmitate of vitamin A activates oxidation-reduction processes, stimulates synthesis of the purine and pirimidinovy bases, participates in metabolism power supply, creating favorable conditions for ATP synthesis. Also stimulates epithelization and prevents excess keratinization of an epithelium. Regulates normal function of the epithelium which is carrying out a barrier role, increases resistance to infections. Controls the speed of chain reactions in a lipidic phase of biomembranes and supports the anti-oxidizing potential of various fabrics at the constant level. Vitamin E acetate – oil-soluble vitamin. It is natural antioxidant which protects cellular membranes of fabrics from oxidizing processes and anti-hypoxanthomas which stabilizes a mitochondrial membrane and consumption of oxygen cells. 18β-глицирретовая acid – the triterpenovy connection received by way of extraction from a licorice root. Possesses complex action, including immunostimulating (increases number and activity of T lymphocytes, concentration of IgM, reduces concentration of IgG) antiviral (affects the DNA and RNA different types of in the vitro and in Vivo viruses, interrupts replication of viruses at early stages), anti-inflammatory (stimulates humoral and cellular factors of immunity, slows down emission of kinin and synthesis of prostaglandins by connective tissue cells in an inflammation zone), regenerating actions. Lactic acid promotes increase in natural protection of a vagina against various infections, restores and supports normal indicators of pH and microflora of a vagina, suppresses growth of opportunistic flora. Sodium hyaluronate is the representative of glikozaminoglikan. Creates a physiological environment for migration, division, a differentiation of cells and optimal conditions for a normal cellular and fabric homeostasis, provides removal and transport of nutrients, promoting a drainage and a detoxication of fabrics, has immunomodulatory effect, increases resistance of fabrics to free radical influence, strengthens phagocytosis, participates in synthesis of collagen and elastin, stimulates production of endogenous hyaluronic acid, maintains turgor of fabrics, providing elasticity and creating depot of moisture for a derma and epidermis, has antiviral and antibacterial activity, prevents formation of cicatricial fabric, promotes uniform regeneration of defect neogenic fabric. Silicon dioxide colloidal is an enterosorbent, is capable to connect and eliminate endogenous and also exogenous aggressive substances (pathogenic bacteriums, bacterial toxins, allergens, etc.) from an organism. It is used at pyoinflammatory defeats of soft tissues. Excipients: Semi-synthetic DUB PPD1 glycerides are provided by mix mono - di - and triglycerides. Name and (or) trademark of the Pharmaluce S.r.l. manufacturing organization, Republic of San Marino. A scope - Prevention of infections, sexually transmitted. - Prevention of diseases of a mucous membrane of a vagina of cyclic character in inflammatory, dystrophic and infectious diseases. - Restoration of normal hydration of a mucous membrane of a vagina. - Removal of an itching, the burning and reddening caused by various infectious and viral diseases. - Prevention and treatment of the states which are followed by decrease in local immunity. Including a nonspecific vulvovaginitis, a candidosis vulvovaginitis, a bacterial vaginosis as a part of complex therapy. - Prevention and treatment of the pathologies of a neck of the uterus caused by the human papillomavirus (HP), a cytomegalovirus. - Prevention and treatment of the viral infection caused by herpes simplex viruses Ӏ and ӀӀ types as a part of complex therapy. - Disbioz of a vagina. - At the cracks and irritations caused by dryness of a vagina. A route of administration (if necessary special instructions on use) Recommendations about use 1. To carefully wash up hands before use. 2. Accurately and deeply enter a suppository into a vagina, it is preferable in a prone position that promotes fast dissolution. Suppositories vaginal should be applied before going to bed. 1 suppository once a day within not less than 5 or 10 days. The special instructions Toilet of External Genitals does not affect efficiency and shipping of vaginal suppositories. Pregnancy and a lactation during pregnancy and in the period of a lactation on doctor's orders. Side effect (influence, individual intolerance) is Very rare - the allergic reactions, an itching undergoing later cancellations. Contraindications for use - Hypersensitivity to components. - Girls prior to the beginning of menarche. Precautionary measures (safety) Only for vaginal use. Not to swallow. Not to apply in case of hypersensitivity to any component or intolerance of any component of a product. At the flowing or suspected pregnancy, in case of feeding by a breast and also in case of use of local medicinal therapy it is necessary to apply vaginal suppositories only according to the recommendation of the doctor. Not intended for use in pediatrics. Prolonged use can lead to a sensitization. In this case it is necessary to stop treatment and to see a doctor. Not to use if packing is damaged or opened. In case of hit on mucous membranes of their eye it is necessary to wash quickly and carefully with water. Measures of first-aid treatment at misuse or collateral influence. Cancellation. To Store storage conditions in the cool dry place, far from heat sources, at a temperature below 25 °C. To store out of children's reach! Expiration date 3 years. Not to apply after expiry date. Manufacturing organization Name, country and also legal address of the manufacturing organization or its representation Pharmaluce S.r.l., Strada delle Seriole 45, 47894, Chiesanuova, Republic of San Marino Owner of the registration certificate of Perrery Farmaceutici S.r.l., Corso San Lorenzo, 1, 37026 Pescantina, Verona (VR), Italy. The name and the address of the organization in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the accepting claim (offer) on quality of a product of medical purpose from consumers: EL company (EL company) LLP, Almaty, Masangchi St. 98A, office 41, Ph.: 8 (727) 2922630, 2922665 Fax: 8 (727) 2922637 info@elcompany.kz
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