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Ozokerite cosmetic 250g

  • $8.80
Sku: 859e28606bed
Ozokerite is natural rock of oil origin which contains paraffin, mineral oils, pitches and other substances. By the form ozokerite reminds beeswax, has plasticity and an oil smell. On sale it is possible to meet ozokerite of different flowers: yellow, green, dark brown, black, depending on extent of whitening.

In the medicinal and cosmetic properties ozokerite Marina Lyupen is similar to paraffin except that biologically active agents are a part of ozokerite. Ozokerite has anti-inflammatory, resorptional effect, stimulates regeneration processes.

Ozokerite cosmetic Marina Lyupen is most often used as face packs, hand and legs baths. Before use it is necessary to warm on the water bath up to the melting temperature (65-80os). Then the warmed ozokerite is applied on a certain part of the body. It differs in low heat conduction and high thermal capacity and heat-retaining ability. Ozokerite warms up the site of skin, blood supply thereby improves, the tone of skin raises and it finds a healthy look. The ability of ozokerite to decrease in volume when cooling, leads to deeper distribution of heat that does skin elastic, wrinkles are smoothed, there is an angenesis process. Biologically active agents which are a part of ozokerite get through skin into an organism, saturating it with necessary elements.

Most effectively ozokerite Marina Lyupen works at circular appliques when the part of the body is covered from all directions, at the same time hypostasis decreases and there is deeper impact on an organism.

The company Pharmaceutical Effect has wealth of experience in production of ozokerite cosmetic which is in great demand in beauty shops and also among our buyers applying ozokerite in house conditions. The high quality of goods is confirmed by the certificate of conformity of GOST P ISO 9001-2001 on production.

Technique of carrying out ozoceritotherapy:
For carrying out a thermotherapy ozokerite is melted, heating to a certain temperature, and impose on any given area of a body of the patient according to the place of defeat and the nature of a disease.

There are various methods of an ozoceritotherapy:

1. Lamination:
The melted ozokerite of temperature of +50-55 degrees is applied with a flat paint brush on the respective site of skin which is previously greased with vaseline or some indifferent ointment. The following layer of ozokerite can already be put hot, temperature up to 70-80 degrees. After imposing of a layer of ozokerite 1-2 cm thick, it is covered with an oilcloth and widely wrapped up with a blanket.

2. Ozokeritovy bathtub:
The brush or foot are covered with temperature ozokerite to 50-55 degrees, and then immersed in the oil-cloth bag filled with ozokerite of temperature of 65-70 degrees. The bag is tied (pull together) from above. The extremity is wrapped up with a blanket.

3. Napkin and application technique:
A gauze napkin, the moistened ozokerite and put in 6-8 layers, wring out by means of tweezers and spread on an oilcloth for cooling up to the certain temperature. The Ozokeritovy compress is done of 2 such multilayered gauze napkins, having their one over another. From above they are closed an oilcloth and all wrap up with a blanket. Temperature of the first, adjacent to a body of the patient, a napkin have to be not higher than 45-50 degrees, the second, a little smaller by the sizes - 60-70 degrees.

4. Application technique:
The melted ozokerite pour in metal to a ditch (baking sheet) 5 cm in depth on the oilcloth which is previously put in it which supports edges ditches on 5 cm. Ditches select the suitable size. Cooling down in a ditch, ozokerite turns into hot flat cake 2-5 cm thick. Overturning a ditch upside down, flat cake with the temperature of 50-60 degrees together with an oilcloth is imposed on the patient's skin. All wrap up with a blanket. This technique excludes use of ozokerite of high temperature.

For treatment of some diseases of distal department of a large intestine - a proctosigmoiditis, cracks mucous and also chronic prostatitises the technique of rectal tampons with administration of ozokerito-paraffin mix (65%ozokerita and 25% of paraffin oil) in a rectum is developed. After the end of a procedure, the ozokerito-oil tampon easily leaves a rectum at an easy natuzhivaniye of the patient. The procedure is carried out only after preliminary examination rektoromanoskopy.

For treatment of some gynecologic diseases it is developed and the technique of introduction of vulval ozokeritovy pads is applied. Ozokerite mix with liquid paraffin (1:1.5), temperature of 44-45 degrees enter into a vagina. Quite often at the same time ozokerite is imposed on skin in the field of a basin (trusikovy zone).

The small size ozokeritovy flat cakes are imposed appointed by the ENT specialist in Highmore's bosoms in chronic antritis.

For use of ozokerite of less high temperature that in some cases is necessary, (for example, in chronic persistent hepatitis with the increased bilirubin content in blood), ozokerite was also mixed with paraffin or liquid paraffin. These mixes were called ozokerafiny and ozokeraliny. Temperature of melting of mixes is lower, than at ozokerite. Also the ozokeritovy hot-water bottle - a combination of the wafer napkin impregnated with the melted ozokerite and the electrohot-water bottle eating from the power supply network of 12 volts was offered. The hot-water bottle is heated to 40-42 degrees. The positive medical effect is noted. However, the tendency to bleeding, suspicion on it and, especially, existence it completely exclude an ozoceritotherapy in a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a 12-perstny gut, an urolithiasis, gynecologic sufferings, etc.

With care the ozoceritotherapy is carried out at inflammation of a pancreas - pancreatitis. Expression is known: the pancreas does not love strong heat and salty waters. Therefore in chronic pancreatitis, even at the accompanying gastritis with the lowered acid-forming function of a stomach, also the most mineralized mineral water of source No. 2 is not appointed usually.

Contraindications to carrying out an ozoceritotherapy:
Acute inflammatory processes,
Tuberculosis of any localization,
the Circulatory unefficiency 2-3 degrees,
the Hypertension 2-3 stages,
the Expressed phenomena of atherosclerosis of vessels of heart, a brain,
the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) with the stenocardia phenomena,
the Glomerulonephritis,
Active hepatitis, cirrhosis,
the Thyrotoxicosis, dekompressirovanny diabetes,
Cysts of kidneys, ovaries, etc. localizations,
Tendency to bleedings,
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