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Novanefron (30 tablets)

  • $33.80
Sku: 51c979d9336d
Novanefron No. 30 of the Tablet tablet Release Form. 1 tablet contains structure: Active agents: orthosiphon staminate (orthosiphon stamineus benth) of 80 mg, ptarmigan-berry ordinary (bearberry) of 80 mg, cranberry (cranberry juice) of 80 mg, corn stigmas (com silk) of 80 mg, horsetail (equiseum) of 40 mg, bilberry ordinary (dandelion) of 40 mg, dandelion medicinal (bilberry common) of 40 mg, magnesium citrate of 20 mg. Packing of 30 pieces. Pharmacological action Ortosifon staminate (orthosiphon stamineus benth). Leaves of an orthosiphon contain a glycoside ortosifonin (0.01%), alkaloids, fat oils (2.7%), tartaric acid (1.5%), citric acid, essential oils (0.2 - 0.66%), saponins after which saponification it is allocated α-амирин, β-sitosterol and tannin. In medicine drugs of an orthosiphon are used as diuretic in acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys which are followed by hypostases, an albuminuria, an azotemia and in a nephrolithiasis. The diuretic effect is followed by the strengthened discharge from an organism of urea, uric acid and chlorides. The orthosiphon increases secretion of gastric glands and free hydrochloric acid. The orthosiphon malotoksichen, has the big width of therapeutic action and at prolonged use does not cause side effects. Ptarmigan-berry ordinary (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.). Leaves of a bearberry contain flavonoids (meletin, isomeletin, miritsitrin, giperozid, miretsetin), organic acids (apple, protocatechuic, ant), tannins of pyrogallic group, glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin. All these active ingredients form a basis of the chemical composition of a bearberry ordinary (a bear ear). Galenovy drugs of a bearberry have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic and diuretic properties. Anti-inflammatory effect of drug is caused by the content of a large amount of tannins. The antimicrobic property of a plant is connected with a glycoside arbutin which under the influence of the enzyme of an arbutaza which is contained in leaves is split on free hydrochinone and glucose. The second glycoside methylarbutin at hydrolysis, chipping off methyl alcohol, releases hydrochinone. Antiseptic properties of leaves of a bearberry are caused by antimicrobic and local irritative effect of hydrochinone which, being allocated with urine, through kidneys irritates renal fabric and strengthens urination. Cranberry (cranberry juice). Contains: organic acids (including benzoic), pectinaceous substances, triterpenovy connections, flavonoids, anthocyans, catechins, tannins, vitamin C, carotinoids. Also the cranberry is rich with potassium and iron. The cranberry has antimicrobial properties, including concerning stafillokokk, streptococci, colibacillus, a protea, causative agents of cholera. Antifungal action is noted. Besides, berries of a cranberry strengthen action of antibiotics, nitrofurans and sulfanamide drugs, in particular, at treatment of pyelonephritis and gynecologic inflammatory diseases. Now the cranberry is recommended to apply in infections of urinary tract. The interesting property of extract of fruits of a cranberry – to counteract adhesion and sticking to cells of a mucous membrane of a bladder of bacteria that does not allow them to form colonies was revealed. One of components which is contained in cranberry fruits ursulovy acid, has strong diuretic effect and prevents formation of stones in kidneys. The horsetail (equiseum) is applied as diuretic, styptic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerous drug. 5-glucoside-lyuteolin emitted from a horsetail field has antimicrobic and anti-inflammatory properties. Extract of a horsetail optimizes water salt metabolism and improves a state in diseases of an urinary system. In urate diathesis active agents of a horsetail field keep in urine balance between colloids and crystalloids and, thereby, delay formation of urinary stones, especially oxalates. Silicon connections of a plant play an important role in processes of metabolism and functional activity of connective tissue of joints and walls of blood vessels. Corn stigmas (Zea mays L - com silk). Bitter glikozidny substances of 1.15%, saponins of 3.18%, fat oils of 2.5%, kriptosantin, ascorbic and pantothenic acid, vitamin K, an inositol, sitosterol, stigmasterol are found in corn stigmas. Seeds of corn contain starch of 61.2%, corn oil, a large amount of pentosans of 7.4%, biotin, nicotinic and pantothenic acid, meletin, isomeletin, etc. Corn stigmas are applied as diuretic, bile-expelling, styptic means at treatment of cholecystitises, hepatitis, in urological diseases, an urolithiasis, nephrite, hypostases and also at helminthic invasions. Bilberry ordinary (Vaccinium mytillus). Leaves of bilberry are rich with inulin, flavonoids, anthocyans. Fruits contain carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins (With, B1, B2, P, SS), carotene, high amount of phenoacids (cinchonic, coffee, chlorogenic), compounds of manganese and iron. Bilberry is known as increasing immunity of an organism, its resistance to loadings, styptic, hemopoietic, vasodilating, knitting, bile-expelling and diuretic. Dandelion medicinal (Taraxacum officinale). Contains in roots of a dandelion taraksatsin up to 10%, triterpenovy connections (tarakserol, taraksasterol), sterols (r-sitosterol, a stigmasterol), flavonoids (kosmoziin, lyuteolin-7-glucoside), inulin up to 24%, fat oils, sucrose up to 20%, proteins of 15%, carotene, tannins, essential oils. Roots of a dandelion contain alcohols, saponins, a significant amount of a protein, vitamins C, A, B2, niacin. Content of iron, calcium, manganese and phosphorus, found in leaves of a dandelion is more than in sheet vegetables. Roots and leaves possess anti-inflammatory, bile-expelling, diuretic, sudorific, expectorant, febrifugal, laxative, antiallergenic and antivermicular action. Magnesium citrate supports the necessary energy level of all organism. It is recommended in muscle weakness, nervous exhaustion, the general weariness and a syndrome of chronic fatigue. At a lack of magnesium potassium is removed from an organism that results in fatigue, breakdown and weakness at a heat. Besides, intracellular magnesium for 80-90% is in a complex with ATP, being the universal carrier and the main accumulator of energy in living cells. Magnesium supports urine salts in the dissolved state and interferes with their sedimentation. Suppresses a lithogenesis in kidneys, even in insignificant concentration oppresses crystallization. Mg2 + connect ions in urine to 40% of oxalic acid. Prevents sedimentation of compounds of calcium. Is antidote in poisonings with salts of heavy metals. Novanefron, indications Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of urinogenital bodies (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, a vulvitis, a vaginitis), nephroliths (nephrolithiasis) and stones of a bladder, a chronic viral hepatitis, a nephrotic syndrome, arterial hypertension, at cardiovascular insufficiency of the II-III degree (together with cardiac glycosides), cholecystitis, cirrhosis, ascites, helminthic invasions. Contraindications Hypersensitivity to drug components, hyperacid gastritis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach or duodenum against the background of hyperoxemia of gastric juice, the increased blood clotting. A route of administration and doses At free use by the consumer, it is necessary to respect the rules which are specified on packing. If drug is appointed by the doctor, change in dosages is possible. On 1-2 tablet twice a day in the morning and in the evening. Duration of treatment is 2-8 weeks. Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast As dietary supplements to food have free use by consumers, Novanefron do not advise to apply to pregnant women without the recommendation of the doctor. The doctor, having defined need of an arbutinin and hydrokhonin at the pregnant woman Novanefron can appoint. Novanefron's use at pregnancy is possible only in II and III trimester. Side effects Novanefron is usually had well. Seldom: allergic reactions, weakness. To Store storage conditions at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store out of children's reach.
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