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MenoLine (120 capsules)

  • $76.80
Sku: 078da74f6e42
The COMPLEX (2 V 1) MENOLIN of CAPSULE No. 60 + the WEIGHT LOSS CAPSULE No. 60 + SUPPORT of HORMONAL BALANCE FOR WOMEN is MORE SENIOR than 45 YEARS After 45 years emergence of the first hormonal changes (menopause and a climacteric), among other physiological unpleasant manifestations (discomfort and pains in abdominal area, puffiness, morbidity in mammary glands, excessive feeling of hunger, a depression, concern, irritability, frequent changes of mood, decrease in concentration of attention, headaches, joint pains and muscles, problems with a dream, fatigue, dizzinesses), changes also a female figure (swell, an otdyshka, adjournment of fats). To minimize such manifestations as sudden flashes of sweating, sharp heartbeat, increase in weight and others, the complex (2 in 1) Menolin was created. The first complex which, in own way, have specific purposeful dual action. Menolin is a solution of the problem of a menopause and excess weight without hormones! 1. Activates outflow of excessive water from an organism 2. Reduces adjournment of fats the Formula combining natural active ingredients of seaweed, plant acids and amino acids, a complex Menolin helps to stimulate the factors influencing process of weight loss and hormonal changes thanks to dual action: 1. Controls surplus of water and brings toxins out of an organism. 2. Reduces fat deposits: splits fats on simple elements with energy discharge. Menolin helps to burn and split fats actively. Packing of the MENOLINE complex consists of 2 separate packs inside: Menolin (1) and Menolin (2). Indications: the menopause period, excess weight, a premenstrual syndrome, nervous breakdowns, slackness, apathy, decrease in elasticity of skin, the increased fragility of nails and hair. Menolin it is possible to use when your body needs it. USE: On 2 capsules Menolin a complex (1) for balance of water in an organism in the morning and 2 capsules Menolin a complex (2) for combustion of fats in the evening within 1 month. Contains active natural natural components. 2*60 capsules – 42.6 g. Precautionary measures: Not to exceed the recommended dose. To store in the dry and cool place. To use in combination with various balanced diets. To store at a temperature from 10 ˚ With up to 25 s, in dry cool, protected from light, the place, inaccessible for children. Does not contain artificial dyes. MENOLINE (1) for balance of water – on 2 capsules in the morning. Extract of a magnolia (Magnolia officinalis) contains two components reducing cortisol level – magnolol (magnolol) and gonokiol (honokiol) and also eydesmol (eudesmol), having antioxidant activity. Numerous clinical trials showed that small doses of a gonokiol have antistress effect, without making at the same time somnolent impact. It allows to apply with success the standardized magnolia extract as effective antistress drug which besides does not cause drowsiness. As it was stated above, one of causes of infringement of a menstrual cycle is the stress and the increased cortisol level. MENOLINE (1) containing the standardized magnolia extract reduces cortisol level, thereby not only having the calming effect on the woman's organism, but also helping to normalize a menstrual cycle. The Japanese scientists found out that extract of a magnolia is more powerful antioxidant in one thousand times (!), than vitamin E, protects an organism from the destructions put with free radicals and provides support of a cardiovascular system. The exotic extract of stalks of cherry brought from the islands of West Indies mikroenkapsulirovanny in liposomes, has the highest content of vitamin C and also A, E and F which stimulate cell regeneration and synthesis of collagen is vitamin-rich and have antioxidant properties. The cherry extract containing anthocyans (vegetable pigments) in the structure is neutralized by free radicals, destroy harmful enzymes, thus, rejuvenates an organism. Sea kritmum - helps in rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, asthma, wounds, eczemas, at the gemorroida, a scrofula, neurosis, diseases connected with a stress and aging restores working capacity. It is also known that seaweed normalizes high pressure, rejuvenate skin cells, are a source of vitamins, polysaccharides, pigments and fatty acids. Wild Pansies - help in cystitis, epilepsy and rheumatism. Ingredients: Capsule: the hydrolyzed fish proteins, magnolia extract, cherry stalks, wild pansies, maltodextrin, Anti-high-calorie substances: the magneziumny salts oxidizing fats, silicone dioxide. Ingredients: 2 Sea capsules kritmum 200 mg Extract of a magnolia of 150 mg Extract of cherry stalks of 100 mg Extract of wild pansies of 50 mg This product cannot be sold separately. 60 capsules – 21.6 g of MENOLINE (2) reduce fat deposits – on 2 capsules in the evening. The lysine is the irreplaceable amino acid which is a part practically of any proteins, is necessary for growth, restoration of fabrics, production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, albumine. The lysine supports the level of energy and keeps heart healthy, thanks to a carnitine which in an organism is formed of it. The lysine participates in forming of collagen and restoration of fabrics. It is applied during the recovery period after operations and sports injuries. The lysine improves digestion of calcium from blood and its transport in a bone tissue therefore it can be an integral part of the program of treatment and prevention of an ostepoproz. Joint reception of a lysine and arginine (1-2 g a day) raises the immune response of an organism, in particular, quantity and activity of neutrophils. The lysine strengthens effect of arginine. The lysine slows down damage of a crystalline lens, especially in diabetes. The deficit of a lysine adversely affects synthesis of a protein that results in fatigue, fatigue and weakness, small appetite, delay of growth and decrease in body weight, inability to concentration, irritability, hemorrhages in an eyeball, loss of hair, anemia and problems in the reproductive sphere. Arginine – belkovoobrazuyushchy replaceable amino acid for adults, and for children is irreplaceable. Arginine plays an important role in muscular exchange: promotes weight reduction as accelerates growth of muscle bulk and reduces fat volume. In high concentrations it meets in skin and connective tissues that allows to use it in treatment and restoration of the damaged fabrics. Except participation in protein synthesis, is one of the main components of a cycle of urea (ornitinovy tricarbonic acid cycle) – the main way of neutralization of ammonia in an organism. Is a part of proteins, especially progamin (up to 85%) and histones. Arginine promotes acceleration of synthesis of growth hormone and other hormones. Daily doses reduce LNP-cholesterol level, without reducing LVP-cholesterol. Arginine promotes healthy coronary microcirculation, interfering with formation of clots which can cause heart attacks and strokes. Arginine increases function of the T-cellular link of immunity can increase the weight of a thymus gland responsible for the most part of immune functions (to 1.5 g a day). Are especially rich with arginine of a squirrel of semen (to 80%), because of its deficit the infertility can develop. Arginine actively participates in activity of genitals, that is indirectly stimulates testosterone discharge at men. Besides, oxide of nitrogen plays a crucial role in ability of achievement and maintenance of an erection therefore arginine can be appointed in impotence. Arginine is an amino acid which will be transformed in an organism to substance under the name spermine, it is found in sperm, blood and cells of a brain. Low levels of spermine connect with an old age and loss of memory. Arginine provides inflow of blood to extremities. It is the construction block for proteins which our organism completely synthesizes from food. Ingredients: Lysine, arginine, capsule: the hydrolyzed fish proteins, anti-high-calorie substances: the magneziumny salts oxidizing fats, silicone dioxide. Structure on 2 capsules: The lysine of 280 mg Arginine of 280 mg This product cannot be sold separately. 60 capsules – 21.6 g. Useful tips in the period of a menopause and at diets after 45 years: The woman will easier endure this difficult period of the life if she considers councils of scientists and doctors: Moderate physical exercises (30 minutes of 5 times a week) are very useful as physical activity promotes discharge of the endorphins reducing manifestations of a menopause. Eat often and small portions: eat usual amount of food, but divide it into 5 receptions. It will help to avoid fluctuations of level of sugar in blood. It is desirable to limit consumption of simple sugars, alcohol and coffee and also salt, especially, if there is a problem of hypostases and at painful feelings in mammary glands. Do not forget about fruit and vegetables – a source of vitamins and dietary cellulose. Try to avoid an excessive stress which promotes increase in level of hormone of cortisol, connected as showed researches, with reproductive hormones. Production – France, NutriSante Laboratory. The authorized representative in Kazakhstan - "Sante Marketing Group" +7 727 385-70-44, 385-23-55, 317-96-60
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