Mastofit 50 ml cream

  • $11.30
Sku: 2ee52ab1aa01
Mastofit cream the Combination of indoles of broccoli, extracts of a fucus and vitex of health of a mammary gland, sacred for maintenance, Mastofit Evalar cream contributes to normalization of exchange processes and decrease in puffiness in tissues of a mammary gland. For a long time folk healers recommend to women for removal of feeling of weight, a nagrubaniye, morbidity, to put a leaf of cabbage to a mammary gland. During the researches studying the dietary factors reducing the frequency of developing of malignancies it was shown: at those who regularly use Brassica family vegetables, the frequency of diseases of cancer below an average especially it concerns breast cancer and kishechnika*. In the detailed analysis of vegetables of the Brassica family, two classes of the most active agents are established: food indoles and their derivatives, in particular indole-3-carbinol and askorbigen and also metabolites of these connections. Dry extract of a fucus as an additional source of iodine which lack leads to undesirable hormonal changes is entered into cream, causing diseases of thyroid and milk glands. Tablets and Mastofit cream, working in common and strengthening each other, will deliver vegetable indoles directly to the destination. The structure water, glycerin monostearate, stearic acid, lanolin, oil soy, fat pork, glycerin, fucus extract, alcohol, trietanolamine, indole-3-carbinol, fragrance, euksit K300, karbopol. * Lee W. Wattenberg, William D. Loub Inhibition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-induced neoplasia by naturally occurion indoles, Cancer Research, 1978, vol.38, pp. 1410-1413. Additional information the Route of administration to apply Cream 1–2 times a day on the surface of skin of mammary glands and to rub with slight circular motions before full absorption. Document SWAMP-SUBORS No. KZ. of 13.04.2011. Volume, ml 50
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