Kyzyl May 50 ml of oil

  • $5.90
Sku: 3646f2beb8c4
The instruction for medical use of medicine

Kyzyl May oil polifitovy 50 ml

the Trade name

Kyzyl May oil the polifitovy

International unlicensed name

Is not present

the Dosage form

Oil polifitovy

the Structure

of 100 g of drug contains

active agents: a melissa of a grass of 0.2 g, a thyme creeping a grass of 0.20 g, a dogrose of fruits of 1.0 g, a licorice of roots of 1.60 g, nettles of leaves of 2.0 g, a St. John's wort a grass of 12.0 g, oil sea-buckthorn 1.60 g

excipient - sunflower oil

the Description

Oily liquid from red color, darkly red to a drill, with a characteristic smell and taste

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other therapeutic products. The ATX V03 code

Pharmacological properties

The grass of a melissa contains essential oil, tannins, B1, B2 vitamins.

The grass of a thyme contains essential oil which main components are methyl-isopropyl phenol, carvacrol.

Hips contain vitamin C, flavonoids, carotinoids.

Glycyrrhizin is a part of a licorice.

Leaves of a nettle contain acetylcholine, a histamine, K1, B1, B2, E vitamins, beta carotene.

The grass of a St. John's wort contains flavonoids (including Rutinum), carotinoids, anthracene derivatives.

Oil sea-buckthorn contains vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B4, K, P, RR, E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sugar, phytoncides, microelements. The drug Kyzyl oil polifitovy has May the anti-inflammatory, regenerating, spasmolytic, antioxidant, wound healing properties.


as a part of complex therapy at:

- gastritises, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum, colitis, coloenterites, proctites, hemorrhoids

- rhinitises, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitises, bronchitis

- colpitises, erosion of a neck of the uterus

- prostatitises, anus cracks

- radiation injuries of skin, decubituses

- the diseases which are followed by decrease in host defense

the Route of administration and doses

In diseases zheludochno of an intestinal path:

- inside after 0.5-1 tsps of 4-6 times a day in 1 hour prior to food with fermented milk products, kissel or honey. Course of treatment of 4-8 weeks.

In diseases of upper airways:

- in the form of greasings of a mucous membrane of the nasal courses once a day,

- injections on 0.5 ml in a nasopharynx or a throat, a course of 10-15 procedures, inside on 1 tsp (adult) and on & frac12, tsp (to children since 3 months) 2-3 times a day in 20-30 min. prior to food. Course of treatment 1-2 weeks.

To children appoint a half of a dose from a dose of adults.

In gynecologic diseases: after processing mucous and a neck of the uterus Furacilin enters a tampon. impregnated with oil, a course 1-2 weeks.

In prostatitises, proctites, hemorrhoids drug (after preliminary cleaning of intestines) in the form of enemas on 10-15 ml once a day, a course of 10-15 procedures. Outwardly at anus cracks, hemorrhoids to grease 2-3 times a day.

At treatment of decubituses, radiation injuries of skin:

- on the surface cleaned from a plaque, apply oil and apply a gauze bandage which is changed daily.

Side effects

- in rare instances: an itching, burning,

Contraindication hyperaemia

- the increased individual sensitivity to drug components

Medicinal interactions

it is not established

the Special

instructions Use in pediatrics

Drug appoint in children's practice in the doses which are not exceeding recommended.

Pregnancy and the period of a lactation

Use of drug during pregnancy and a lactation is not recommended.

Influence on ability of control of vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms

Use of drug does not affect ability to run motor transport or potentially dangerous mechanisms.

The overdose

is not revealed

the Form of release and packing

On 50 ml, 100 ml in bottles medical, corked by polymeric covers with a control ring and a sealing stopper dropper. On bottles labels from paper label or writing are pasted. Each bottle together with a leaf an insert in the state and Russian languages, is packed into a box from cardboard bandbox.

To Store storage conditions at a temperature not over 180C, in the place protected from light. To store out of children's reach!

3 years

not to use a period of storage after the termination of an expiration date.

Prescription status

Without prescription

PC maker Kyzylmay,

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ippodromnaya St., 6

the Owner of the registration certificate

of the personal computer Kyzylmay, Kazakhstan

the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of RK of a claim of consumers on quality of products

of the personal computer

Republic of Kazakhstan Kyzylmay,

Almaty, Ippodromnaya St., 6

ph. 382-20-27, fax 382-19-20

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