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Kit Dikulja larkspur (comfrey) 125 ml of a body lotion

  • $7.00
Sku: 78c2e2bd9b0d
Dikul Zhivokost's (comfrey) first-aid kit of 125 ml body balm body Balm in joints of ZhIVOKOST (Comfrey) with bischofite - effective natural prophylactic of diseases of joints and a backbone. Renders expressed the restoring, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, soft warming action. Stimulates blood supply of circumarticular area, promotes improvement of food of joints, activates processes of natural regeneration of articulate fabrics, interferes with formation of salt deposits, reduces risk of development of arthritises, arthroses, osteochondrosis, gout. Ingredients: water, liposomalno-emul-sionny complex No. 7, (DEG stearate, PEG-400 stearate, glycerin, wax emulsion, vegetable oil, propylene glycol, beeswax, eutanol G, di sweep a game, emulgin B2, Nimesulide, IT microcarat, Trilonum B, Grindoks antioxidant), bischofite, dogrose extract, burdock extract, skullcap extract, ekstkrakt a gold mustache, extract of a sabelnik, comfrey extract, essential oil of a tea tree, a krasiktel sugar dye, D-panthenol, ant alcohol, a mummy, DMP microcarat, perfumery composition the Scope: - for prevention of diseases of joints and a backbone with risk factors, - at age changes of the musculoskeletal system, at meteosensitivity of joints, - in complex treatment of diseases of joints and a backbone (supportive application), - for prevention of seasonal exacerbations of articulate diseases. Action and efficiency of a balkzam ZhIVOKOST (Comfrey) with bischofite are provided with the high biological activity and synergism of its natural komkponent possessing vyrazhenkny anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing, protivootech-the ny, solevyvodyashchy, spasmolytic, regenerating properties. Comfrey-one of the most populyarkny herbs in traditional and official medicine. About medicinal properties of a comfrey govority a patrimonial name: Symphytum - from Greek 'symphytos' - to splice, connect. The main active ingredient - allantoin included in the list of World Health Organization as local anesthetic, regeneriruyukshchy, knitting and anti-inflammatory drug. Stimulates restoration of bone and cartilaginous tissue in diseases of joints, improves quality of synovial fluid, heals articulate microtraumas, accelerates merging of bones in fractures. Bischofite - natural polymineral which part about 70 elements, including, magnesium chloride (main active ingredient) and also iodine, bromine, iron, silicon, zinc are. Has expressed the soothing and regenerating effect, activates exchange processes. Clinical trials confirmed efficiency of bischofite in chronic inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular device: the deforming arthroses, a pseudorheumatism, a lyumbalgiya, a lumbar ishialgia and other diseases. A gold mustache - a powerful biogenous stimulator with a wide range of medical action. Thanks to a rare combination of biologically active agents, helps in a set of diseases, it is especially effective at treatment of diseases of joints and a backbone. Possesses the expressed anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, protivo-the microbic, antiseptic, immunoregulating, restoring action, improves a blood stream in places of influence. Sabelnik marsh - a herb with expressed by the biostimulating, antibacterial, anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory, solevyvodyashchy, antirheumatic and regenerating action. Has numerous medicinal properties. Recognized folk remedy for fight against rheumatism, sciatica, arthritises and artrokza, adjournment of salts in joints of hands and legs. Promotes removal of puffiness, increases mobility of joints and a backbone. Tea tree oil - a powerful natural antibiotic and antikseptik, suppresses development of pathogenic microbes. The antiseptic effect is 5 times stronger than alcohol. Contains about 50 biologically active ingredients.Ant alcohol has the warming, anesthetizing and distracting effect, differs in high ability to get into fabrics. Strengthens local blood circulation, removes the muscular stress and pain. Contains a large number of the organic components of zinc having the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.Mumiyo - the natural education, Difficult on chemical structure, got in mountains, a unique natural biostimulant. More than 3 thousand years are widely used in medicine. Stimulates vosstanoviktelny processes in joints and proliferation of cells of connective tissues, possesses the antiedematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, immunostimulating, fortifying action the Burdock has solevyvodyashchy, anti-inflammatory effect. It is outwardly applied in gout, rheumatism, exacerbation of articulate diseases when overcooling. Stimulates a metabolism and angenesis. Extracts and oils of lekarstvenkny plants render anti-oxidatic, regenerating, to them - munokorrektiruyushchy, anti-inflammatory, a byaktrriostaticheskpa, soothing, spasmolytic, antiedematous action. Improve food of joints. D-panthenol (dekspantenol) - derivative pantothenic acid (water-soluble vitamin of group B), a component of membranes of zdorokvy cells. Stimulates a regenekration of cartilaginous tissues of a joint, normalizes cellular metabolism, activates synthesis of collagen and increases durability of collagenic fibers. Advantages of Balm for a body in joints of ZhIVOKOST (Comfrey) with bischofite. Sochetakniye of extract of roots of the zhivokost with natural mineral bischofite, mumiyo and ant alcohol and also extracts and oils of herbs allows to reach the maximum effect. Active components quickly and without loss get through skin and come directly to the circumarticular area. Does not cause negative side effects and accustoming even at prolonged use. Route of administration: 2-3 times a day to apply with the massing movements balm on problem area within 3-5 minutes before full absorption. Whenever possible to provide heat and rest. Before each drawing to clean skin by means of warm water or warm wet towel wipes. Duration of use is 4-5 weeks. Contraindications: individual intolerance to components. Side effects are not revealed. In case of allergic reactions to stop use and to consult with the doctor
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