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Jogurt Babydrops for infants and children of 10 ml drops in the vial with a pipette

  • $24.10
Sku: eb0aa4e7b593
Jogurt Babydrops for babies and children of 10 ml of a drop in a bottle with the pipette the Main function of pro-biotic bacteria Jogurt Babydmps to balance intestinal microflora and to save from gas gripes. The manufacturing techniques are based on microencapsulation of pro-biotic bacteria of Bifidobacterium breve BRo3 and Btfidobacterium breve B632 which are suspended in vegetable oil. Main characteristics of Jogurt Babydrops: Bifidobacz‘erium breve the pro-biotic bacteria of the second generation which are recently developed (2012) intended for restoration of intestinal microflora and disposal of intestinal gripes, in particular at newborns. For prevention or stopping of intestinal dysbacteriosis and disorder of function of intestines caused by dysbacteriosis to children: been born prematurely or with signs of prematurity, to children of chest age at early transfer to artificial feeding, to the children receiving antibiotics. The species of bacteria which are naturally existing B digestive tract are a part of J ogurt Babydrops. Jogurt Babydrops restores various protective bacterial microflora, affecting selectively pathogenic types, has anti-inflammatory activity. Gomofermentativny influence - these bacteria split the carbohydrates producing lactic acid without production of gases, for microencapsulation of the pro-biotic bacteria which are contained in Jogurt Babydrops and passed clinical trials the innovation technologies are used. The microencapsulated probiotics is covered with a lipipny matrix which in the course of passing of digestive tract provides viability of pro-biotic bacteria. Strains of pro-biotic bacteria are deposited in the International collection (VBMH, German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures) He causes an allergy. During pregnancy the human embryo develops in rather sterile conditions. Thus, one of the most important stages during childbirth is vykhol the child from a uterus on the Wednesday which is densely inhabited by bacteria. Birth conditions, a way of feeding and the initial stages of hygiene are the first sources of microorganisms for the child who will face further a huge number of bacteria. The first collision with bacteria positively influences development of the immune system of the person and is the key to good condition of health. In the first 48 hours after the birth, the balance of intestinal microflora y of children on breastfeeding or on artificial nutrition does not differ. Nevertheless, B course of the first month of life, at babies on breastfeeding to B intestinal microflora the maintenance of bifidobacteria is more (thanks to a bifidogenic component in breast milk), than at babies on artificial feeding. At artificial feeding the providing bacteria with more various contents is necessary. The disturbances which are adversely influencing a condition of the newborn can result from the unbalanced maintenance of bifidobacteria and to cause changes of functions of intestines. In particular, existence of bacteria of group of colibacillus can be the cause of appearance of the intestinal gripes disturbing newborns in the first months of life. This disorder, in most cases, is the first reason for alarm and disappointment in young family. Jogurt Babydrops, thanks to presence of enough pro-biotic microorganisms of Bifidobact'erium breve BRo3 (DSM 16604) and Bifidobacterium breve B632 (DSM 24706), fills the need for effective reproduction of natural bifidobacteria and has no side effects. The patented technology of microencapsulation used for the pro-biotic microorganisms which are contained in Jogurt Babydropsfi is safe for consumption by the person. This technology guarantees the high level of survival of pro-biotic bacteria in the course of gastroduodenal transit and by that allows enough live and viable microorganisms to reach intestines where they effectively breed. When using this technology time of formation of colonies is reduced. Using the fifth part of the microencapsulated bacteria, the same effect, as is reached at use of not microencapsulated bacteria. Jogurt Babydrops is patented by Probiotical S.p.A. as Without allergens (Allergen Free Patented). B compliance with existing regulations (EU) of the European Parliament (Appendix P to Reg. The EU No. 1169/2011), in a product does not have such allergens as: wheat, a rye, barley, oats, spelled, Crustacea and products on the basis of Crustacea, eggs and egg pr0dukty, fish and products on the basis of fish, peanut, soy and soy products, milk and dairy products (including lactose), nuts, a celery, mustard, sesame seeds, a lupine, mollusks and products on the basis of mollusks, sulfur dioxide and sulfites (in the concentration exceeding 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l in terms of sulfur dioxide). Thanks to the patented innovation technology (WO/2007/054989) of production, Jogurt the quantity of viable cells is determined by the specific patented method of the analysis of the microencapsulated pro-biotic microorganisms which is applied on Probiotical S.p.A. Use of drops of Jogurt Babydrops B guarantees to the Dose of 5 drops consumption not less than 200 million viable pro-biotic bacteria throughout all expiration date of a product if the product is stored under the conditions specified on packing. The special technology of microencapsulation of pro-biotic bacteria Jogurt Babydmps guarantees that 100% of the cells which are present B product get into intestines in a viable form. Use: To children since the birth on 5 drops B Day. To accept in the morning, using the pipette. Before the use to shake up! It is possible to accept B clean look or having mixed with liquid (drink or food) which temperature does not exceed 37 C. Intestinal gripes: prevention and stopping - to accept is long. Intestinal dysbiosis: prevention and stopping - to accept 3 weeks. Traces of not dissolved particles after agitation of a bottle are natural property of a product which is not defect. Jogurt Babydrops - dietary supplement to food. Preventions: Not to exceed the recommended daily dose. Not to use dietary supplement as substitute of the good and balanced nutrition. To store out of children's reach. Not to use after expiry date. Conditions storage: To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Contents of an open bottle should be used within 1 month. Packaging: 10 ml in a bottle with the pipette the Expiration date: The specified expiration date belongs to storage of a product in closed form, according to storage conditions. Net weight: 9.1 g Producer: Probiotical S.p.A., Via E. Mattei, 3, 28100 Novara, Italy, by request of Stardea Z., Viale Mentana, 43, 43121, Parma, Italy. Distributor: JSC Olaynpharm, Rupnitsu St. 5, Olaine, LV2114, Latvia. The organization accepting claims: Representative office of JSC Olaynpharm to B Republic of Kazakhstan: 050009, Almaty, ave. of Abay 151/1 15, office 807, ph./fax: +7727 333 4652.
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