Ichthammol 200 mg rectal suppositories 10s

  • $4.30
Sku: 0d30bc230aa8
Ingredient: Ihtammol
Ichthyol (N10 candles) Russia
Pharmacological action:
Anti-inflammatory drug, has mestnoobezbolivayushchy, antiseptic, keratoplastichesky action. At direct action on skin causes the weak irritation of sensitive nerve terminations which is replaced by lowering of their sensitivity that leads to emergence of the reflexes changing a trophicity of fabrics. Causes a denaturation of proteinaceous molecules. Favorably influences area of inflammation of skin and hypodermics (especially at a combination to alcohol): regulates a vascular tone, restores blood circulation, improves a metabolism.
Salpingitis, metritis, parametritis, prostatitis, skin infections, burns, erysipelatous inflammation, eczema, furunculosis, neuralgia, arthritis.
Dosing mode:
Rektalno, on 1 candle (with Ichthyol of 0.2 g) or tampons (from 10% glyceric solution) 1-2 times a day, after a cleansing enema or spontaneous purgation. Outwardly, apply on an affected area in the form of glyceric lotions, vtiraniye, ointments on vaseline 1-2 times a day.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions.
It is incompatible in solutions with iodide salts, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals.
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