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Glutargin 0.75g (30 tablets)

  • $59.20
Sku: 28c260cc605f
Ingredient: Arginine
The instruction for medical use of GLUTARGIN medicine the Trade name Glutargin Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed name Arginine Dosage Form of the Tablet of 0.75 g Structure One tablet contains active agent - glutamate arginine in terms of 100% substance of 0.75 g, excipients: cellulose microcrystalline (MKC 101), krospovidon, calcium stearate. The description of the Tablet of white color, oblong shape with a biconvex surface, with risky. Pharmacotherapeutic group Drugs for treatment of diseases of a liver. Arginine. The ATX A05BA01 code the Pharmacological Pharmacokinetics Not properties Glutargin's Pharmacodynamics is investigated is compound of arginine and glutaminic acid which play an important role in ensuring biochemical processes of neutralization and removal from an organism of a highly toxic metabolite of exchange of nitrogenous substances – ammonia. Gipoammoniyemichesky effects of drug are implemented by activation of neutralization of ammonia in an ornitinovy cycle of synthesis of urea, binding of ammonia in a non-toxic glutamine, strengthenings of removal of ammonia from the central nervous system and its excretion from an organism. As a result neurotoxic effects of ammonia decrease all-toxic, including. Glutargin has hepatoprotective effect, possessing antioxidant, anti-hypoxemic and membrane stabilizing properties, positively influences processes of power supply in hepatocytes. In a drunkenness of Glutargin stimulates utilization of alcohol in the monooksigenazny system of a liver, prevents oppression of key enzyme of utilization of ethanol – alcohol dehydrogenase, accelerates an inactivation and removal of toxic products of metabolism of ethanol as a result of increase in education and oxidation of succinic acid, reduces the oppressing influence of alcohol on central nervous system due to neuromediator properties of exciting glutaminic acid. Thanks to these Glutargin properties shows the anti-toxic and sobering effects. In pregnancy pathology thanks to endoteliyprotektivny action of Glutargin reduces the broken permeability and a tromborezistentnost of vessels, prevents hypercoagulation, reduces sensitivity of vessels to the vasoconstrictive agents (endothelin, angiotensin, thromboxane) causing a generalized vasospasm. Arginine after preliminary biotransformation in nitrogen oxide has vasodilating effect, positively influences fibrillation and functional properties of the circulating blood elements. As a result of vasodilating and anti-hypoxemic effects of Glutargin the maternal and fruit hemodynamics improves, the pre-natal hypoxia of a fruit decreases. In pregnancy pathology drug shows also anti-toxic and gepatozashchitny activity, acts as the nonspecific metabolic regulator of exchange processes. Thanks to these properties of Glutargin during pregnancy the level of the cell-bound immune complexes circulating in blood decreases, the expressiveness of a syndrome of metabolic intoxication and immunotoxicosis decreases, compensatory and adaptive reactions of an organism increase. Glutargin does not render embriotoksichesky, gonadotoksichesky and mutagen effects, does not cause allergic and immunotoxic reactions. Indications - acute and chronic hepatitises of various etiology, including, in poisoning with hepatotrophic poisons (death angel, chemical and medicinal substances), in cirrhosis, leptospirosis - the hepatic encephalopathy which is followed by a giperammoniyemiya - an acute drunkenness easy and moderately severe, post-intoxication disorders the Route of administration and doses appoint Drug the adult inside. Hepatitis, giperammoniyemiya. Appoint on 1 tablet 3 times a day within 15 days, irrespective of meal. If necessary the dose of drug and a course of treatment can be increased up to 20 days. The highest single dose makes 2.5 tablets, the highest daily – 10.5 tablets. Acute drunkenness. Appoint on 1 tablet 4 times a day with intervals of 1-2.5 hours, in the next 2-3 days – on 1 tablet 2 times a day. In alcohol poisoning of heavy degree after a course of treatment injection drugs of Glutargying appoint on 1 tablet (750 mg) 2 times a day within 20 days. For prevention of a drunkenness – 2.5 tablets in 60-120 min. prior to alcohol intake. Side effects Seldom - feeling of slight discomfort in digestive tract - nausea Very seldom - allergic reactions (urticaria, hyperaemia, an itching) of the Contraindication - the increased individual sensitivity to amino acids (arginine and glutaminic acid) - fever - hyperexcitability - heavy disturbances of filtrational (azotovydelitelny) function of kidneys Medicinal interactions At simultaneous use Aminophyllinum exponentiates the increase in content of endogenous insulin induced by Glutargin in blood. Glutargying ying can enhance effect of anti-aggregation means (Dipiridamolum, etc.). Warns and weakens the neurotoxic phenomena at use of an isoniazid, weakens effect of vinblastine. Patients with disturbances of functions of closed glands should consider special instructions At course appointment that drug stimulates secretion of insulin and growth hormone. Pregnancy and the period of a lactation Safety of clinical use of drug at pregnancy and when feeding by a breast is not investigated. In need of use of drug during feeding by a breast it is necessary to stop feeding by a breast. Use in pediatrics the Efficiency and safety of use at children's age are not investigated. The feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms does not influence. Overdose Symptoms: thorax pain, atrioventricular block, inherent for glutaminic acid, are possible. Treatment: symptomatic. Depending on expressiveness of clinical symptomatology − intake of activated carbon, if necessary – intravenous administration of corticosteroids. The form of release and packing On 10 tablets place in blister strip packaging from a film of polyvinylchloride and aluminum foil. On 3 or 5 blister strip packagings together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard box. To Store storage conditions in original packing at a temperature not over 25 ºС. To store out of children's reach. A period of storage 2 years not to use drug after an expiration date. Prescription status Without prescription Ukraine LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Producer, 61013, Kharkiv, Shevchenko St., 22. The owner of the registration certificate of LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye the Address of the organization accepting in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan claims from consumers on quality of products (goods) of GOOD LOOK Trading House LLP 080000, Taraz, 6th Kosheney Lane, 16 Ph.: +7 (726) 2438219 E-mail: goodlook2007@mail.ru
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