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Emoksipin 1% / 1 ml 10s solution for injection in ampoules

  • $6.40
Out Of Stock
Sku: d80000eb89a0
Ingredient: Emoxipine
the Trade name

Mezhdunarodnoye the unlicensed name
Is not present

the Dosage form
Solution for injections, 1%

of 1 ml of solution contains
active agent – emoksipin 0.010 g,
excipients: acid of chlorohydrogen 0.1 M, water for injections.

The description
Transparent colourless liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Other drugs for treatment of diseases of nervous system.
The code of automatic telephone exchange N07XX

the Pharmacological

Pharmacokinetics At properties retrobulbar introduction emoksipin almost instantly appears in blood, within the first two hours its concentration sharply decreases and in 24 hours drug in blood is absent. In eye tissues the concentration of an emoksipin is higher, than in blood.
At intravenous administration in a dose of 10 mg/kg the low period of semi-elimination is noted (elimination half-life - 18 min. that testifies to the high speed of elimination of drug from blood). Elimination constant size - 0.041 min., the general clearance of CI - 214.8 ml/min., the seeming volume of distribution of the V porridges. - 5.2 l. Drug quickly gets into bodies and fabrics where there is its deposition and metabolism. 5 metabolites of an emoksipin provided by the dialkylated and conjugated products of its transformation are revealed. Metabolites of an emoksipin are excreted by kidneys. In significant amounts in a liver 2 ethyl 6-methyl-3-oxypyridine-phosphate are found.
The pharmacodynamics
the Vasoprotective, reduces permeability of a vascular wall, is anti-hypoxanthomas and antioxidant.
Reduces viscosity of blood and aggregation of thrombocytes, increases the maintenance of cyclic nucleotides (tsAMF and tsGMF) in thrombocytes.
Has retinoprotektorny properties, protects a retina from the damaging effect of light of high intensity, promotes resorption of intraocular hemorrhages, improves microcirculation in eye tissues.
Emoksipin has beneficial effect on the system of fibrillation: slows down aggregation of thrombocytes, reduces the general index of coagulation, extends a blood clotting time. Stabilizes cell membranes of blood vessels and erythrocytes, increases resistance of erythrocytes to a mechanical injury and hemolysis. Has angioprotektorny properties. Improves microcirculation.
Effectively inhibits free radical oxidation of lipids of biomembranes, increases activity of antioxidant enzymes. Stabilizes R-450 cytochrome, possesses anti-toxic action. In the extreme situations which are followed by strengthening of peroxide oxidation of lipids and a hypoxia optimizes biopower processes.
Drug protects an eye retina from the damaging effect of light of high intensity, promotes resorption of intraocular hemorrhages.
Emoksipin reduces symptoms of cerebral haemo dysfunction. Increases resistance of a brain to a hypoxia and ischemia. At disturbances of cerebral circulation (ischemic and hemorrhagic) promotes correction of vegetative dysfunctions, fits restoration of integrative activity of a brain, improves mnestic functions.
It is effective at the states which are followed by strengthening of peroxide oxidation of lipids (including glaucoma, pancreatitis, etc.).

- the central chorioretinal dystrophies, dystrophic changes of a retina in shortsightedness of high degree
- a diabetic retinopathy, occlusions of the central vein of a retina and its branches, glaucoma (in the postoperative period)
- optikoneyropatiya of various genesis, hemophthalmias, hyphemas, a keratitis, a keratoconus, uveites, protection of a cornea (when carrying contact lenses)
- laser and sunblisters, a lazerokoagulyation, an injury, inflammation and a burn of a cornea
- a cataract (as a part of complex therapy, including prevention at persons is more senior than 40 years)
- surgeries in the eyes, a state after operation for glaucoma with amotio of a choroid.
- in surgery: acute pancreatitis (when performing low-invasive interventions under OUSE control and laparoscopies).

Route of administration and
Retrobulbarno's doses, parabulbarno, subkonjyunktivalno. Doses, duration of a course of treatment are defined individually.
In ophthalmology at patients with the central chorioretinal dystrophies, dystrophic changes of a retina in shortsightedness of high degree, in a diabetic retinopathy, occlusions of the central vein of a retina and its branches, glaucoma, optikoneyropatiya appoint retrobulbarno (parabulbarno) on 0.5-1 ml 1% of solution of 1 times a day within 10–15 days. The maximum single dose – 10 mg. A course dose at damage of one eye – 100–150 mg, at bilateral defeat – 200–300 mg). At hyphemas, a keratitis, a keratoconus, uveites appoint subkonjyunktivalno on 0.2-0.5 ml 1% of solution of 1 times a day within 10–15 days. The maximum single dose – 5 mg. If necessary duration of treatment can proceed up to 30 days. Repetition of a course 2–3 times a year is possible.
For protection of a retina at a lazerokoagulyation (including at the limiting and destroying coagulation of tumors) – parabulbarno or retrobulbarno on 0.5-1 ml of 1% of solution for 24 h and for 1 h before coagulation (the maximum single dose – 10 mg), then – on 0.5 ml of 1% of solution of 1 times a day within 2–10 days.
The maximum single dose at children up to 12 years makes 0.5-0.7 ml of 1% of solution. For children over 12 years doses corresponds to that for adults.
Dose adjustment is not required from the elderly and exhausted patients.
If necessary carrying out repeated courses of treatment in 2-4 weeks is possible.
In surgery: at patients with acute pancreatitis when performing low-invasive interventions under OUSE by control and laparoscopies apply during operation as follows: 10 ml of 1% of solution of an emoksipin part in the syringe from 10 ml of solution of sodium of chloride isotonic and evenly infiltrut parapancreatic cellulose and an omental bursa and also enter into cavities after aspiration of a pancreatic accumulation of liquid.

Side effects
- in the injection site are possible pain, burning sensation, an itching, reddening, consolidation of paraorbital fabrics
- increase in arterial blood pressure, excitement or drowsiness
- allergic reactions (including an itching and erubescence).

- individual intolerance
- pregnancy (safety is not studied).

Medicinal interactions
of Negative manifestations at use of an emoksipin against the background of therapy by other medicines it is not described.
A-tocopherol acetate exponentiates antioxidant effect of an emoksipin.
Emoksipin is not recommended to mix with other injection means in one syringe.

Special instructions
need to be controlled constantly during treatment arterial blood pressure and blood clotting.
A lactation
use of drug in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications is possible if the expected effect of therapy exceeds potential risk for the child.
Use in pediatrics
Is possible use at children's age according to strict indications and only in urgent cases.
Use at advanced age
Is recommended to use at advanced age according to indications.

It is desirable for feature of influence of medicine on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms At drug treatment to refrain from occupations potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Symptoms: drowsiness and sedation, short-term increase in arterial blood pressure.
Treatment: symptomatic, including prescribing of hypotensive drugs under control of arterial blood pressure. There is no specific antidote.

A form of release and packing
On 1.0 ml in ampoules of neutral glass. On 10 ampoules together with the instruction for use in the state and Russian languages and the scarificator ampoule place in a box of cardboard.

To Store storage conditions the place protected from light at a temperature not over +25 of 0C
to Store out of children's reach!

3 years
not to apply a period of storage after expiry date.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

RUP Producer of Belmedpreparata,

Republic of Belarus, 220007, Minsk, Fabritius St., 30,
t. / f.: (+375 17) 220-37-16,
e-mail: medic@belmedpreparaty.com,
http://www. belmedpreparaty.com.

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