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Bullfighting 500 mg (100 tablets)

  • $13.40
Sku: 213fa76a0ac3
The bullfight Will help those who decided to throw kuritsposobstvut to disaccustoming from smoking to Any person wishing to leave off smoking very difficultly to make it independently. The reason is that in an organism of the smoker the difficult physiological processes causing thirst for smoking are formed. Tablets from smoking Bullfight will help those who decided to leave off smoking. Oats extract from the grass collected during a blooming period contains the greatest number of biologically active agents having beneficial effect on nervous system and promoting development at the smoker of steady decrease in inclination to tobacco smoking. The updated structure the Bullfight contains the oats extract as the main biologically active component promoting disaccustoming from smoking and giving support to an organism at the moment when it is difficult to give up an addiction. Decrease in thirst for smoking at use of Bullfight happens due to conditioned-reflex reactions, natural to an organism. Besides, during disaccustoming from smoking extract of oats promotes improvement of a functional condition of digestive tract and liver. Oil of a peppermint has the soft calming effect and promotes inflow of oxygen to cells and fabrics. The menthol which is contained in mint oil stimulates a respiratory center and peripheral neuroceptors of mucous membranes that strengthens microcirculation, improves food of bronchopulmonary fabric. Glycine – one of the first amino acids emitted from natural sources. It was discovered as a hydrolysate of animal glue (protein of gelatin). Glycine belongs to group of replaceable amino acids. This substance contains in all body tissues, especially there is a lot of it in a head and spinal cord. He participates in a number of processes, important for an organism, being a predecessor of creatinine, purines, sugars, glutathione and some hormones. Glycine renders stressoprotektorny, antistressorny, nootropic, sedative and detoksitsiruyushchy action. Participates in processes of a metabolism. And its medical influence on an organism is based on it. Puerariya lobular – Pueraria lobata (Willd.). Other names – a puerariya hairy, a kudzu vine. The ligneous listopadny curling or creeping liana of family of bean – Fabaceae. With the medical purpose use roots, leaves, flowers and beans are more rare. Isoflavonoids of roots of a plant – daydzin, daydzein, puerarin, biokhanin And yes genistein work as a trap of free radicals, inhibit peroxide oxidation of linolic acid and activity of a lipoxygenase. Puerariya activates exchange processes in a brain, improves memory. In east medicine the roots of a puerariya lobular use for a lowering of arterial pressure, in the diseases connected with disturbance of blood circulation in a brain, heart and skeletal muscles for treatment of diarrhea, migraine, measles, allergic diseases, as febrifugal and expectorant. The anti-inflammatory, analgetic and miorelaksantny activity of isoflavonoids of a kudzu vine and their metabolites is experimentally proved. Bullfight promotes decrease in inclination to tobacco smoking and disaccustoming from tobacco of the Recommendation about use of the Bullfight as means for decrease in inclination to tobacco smoking and disaccustoming from tobacco at persons with nicotine addiction are based on results of clinical trials. Duration of the period of throwing – before full removal of nicotine addiction – depends on individual opportunities of an organism and on a psychological spirit. It is always desirable to have tablets at itself throughout the entire period of throwing in due time to interrupt desire to light. Follow recommendations about use. The course of reception has to be not less than 4 weeks. Your organization also is necessary for the successful solution of an objective, except efficiency of drug, – do not stop on a half of a way, finish begun. Structure of 30 tablets (daily reception) the Mass of % of RSN contain Extract of a grass green oats that number izoviteksin 1800 mg10.8 mg 108 * Mint oil of 21 mg – Extract of a puerariya (kudzu vine) of 150 mg – Glitsin of 1050 mg 30 * Does not exceed top acceptable level Additional information the Route of administration the Adult on 1 tablet up to 30 times a day, rassasyvy in a mouth before full dissolution. Reception duration – 1 month. If necessary the course of reception can be repeated. Reception of 30 tablets (daily reception) provides the recommended standard daily rate of an izoviteksin – for 108%, glycine – for 30%. It is not recommended to Persons with individual intolerance of components of a product, to the pregnant women nursing. Before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Document SWAMP-SUBORS No. KZ. of 21.04.2015. Form of release of the Tablet No. 100 Mass of Tablet 0.53g.
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