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Antigrippin (10 tablets)

  • $2.80
Sku: d937b5d91cfc
The instruction
for medical use of medicine

the Trade

name AntiGrippin International Unlicensed Name
Is not present
the Dosage form

of the Tablet Structure One Tablet contains
active agents: ascorbic acid – 0.30 g, calcium a gluconate – 0.10 g, Dimedrol – 0.02 g, Rutinum – 0.02 g
excipients: starch, talc, calcium stearate.

The description
of the Tablet of chartreuse color insignificant impregnations, with a flat surface, with a facet and risky.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
For elimination of symptoms of cold and cough. Other combinations of drugs for elimination of symptoms of cold.
The ATX R05X code

Pharmacological properties
the Pharmacological activity of drug is caused by properties of the active ingredients which are its part.
The pharmacokinetics
Ascorbic acid is well soaked up after oral administration. About 25% contact plasma proteins, is postponed in plasma and cells, the highest concentration is reached in ferruterous fabrics (generally in bark of adrenal glands and a hypophysis). It is metabolized in a liver, removed with urine in the form of oxalate and in an invariable look. After intake about 30% of the ionized calcium are soaked up in a GIT. After oral administration the maximum concentration in blood plasma is reached in 1.2-1.3 h. It is brought out of an organism mainly with a stake (80%) and urine (20%).
Dimedrol is quickly absorbed from a GIT. The bioavailability is 50%. Linking with proteins of plasma – 98-99%. Gets through GEB. It is metabolized mainly in a liver, partially – in lungs and kidneys. During the day it is completely removed by kidneys in the form of metabolites. It is removed also with milk and can cause sedation in children of chest age.
The maximum concentration of Rutinum after intake is reached in 1-9 h. It is removed mainly with bile and to a lesser extent – kidneys.
The pharmacodynamics
Ascorbic acid fills shortage of vitamin C in an organism, has the significant antioxidant properties, regulates oxidation-reduction processes, increases body resistance to infections.
Calcium the gluconate has antiallergic, haemo static effect, reduces fragility and permeability of vessels, symptoms of a lack of calcium of an organism, improves reduction of muscles in muscular dystrophy, a myasthenia.
Dimedrol has antiallergic activity, renders mestnoanesteziruyushchy, spasmolytic and moderate ganglioblokiruyushchy action. At intake causes sedative and somnolent effect, has moderate antiemetic effect.
The vasoprotective of routines belongs to group of vitamin P, in combination with ascorbic acid reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries, participates in oxidation-reduction processes, has antioxidant properties.

Symptomatic treatment of flu and other acute respiratory viral infections.

The route of administration and doses
the Adult appoint inside on 1 tablet 3 times a day, to children 7 years on ½ tablets 3 times a day after a meal within 3-5 days are more senior. The maximum single dose for adults – 2 tablets, daily – 6 tablets, for children is more senior than 7 years – 1 tablet and 3 tablets respectively. More than 5 days without consultation with the doctor are not recommended to use drug. If symptoms remain, follows will see a doctor.
Not to exceed the recommended doses.

Side effects
- the dispeptic phenomena, pains in epigastriums, nausea, vomiting, dryness in a mouth
- the headache, feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, increase in excitability of central nervous system, a sleep disorder, reduction in the rate of psychomotor reactions, Dimedrol can cause paradoxical development of insomnia, irritability and euphoria in children
- at prolonged use in high doses the oppression of function of the insulyarny device of a pancreas (hyperglycemia, a glucosuria), a hyperoxaluria and formation of urinary stones from calcium oxalate
- decrease in permeability of capillaries and deterioration in a trophicity of fabrics
- a thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia, a leukopenia, a neutropenia, an agranulocytosis, anemia, hemolytic anemia (especially for patients with deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy), a giperprotrombinemiya, an erythropenia, a neutrophylic leukocytosis, a hypopotassemia
- allergic reactions is possible: urticaria, a skin itching, a dermahemia
- the complicated urination (especially at men with the increased prostate)
- the increased viscosity of secretion of respiratory tract
should be reported About all side effects including which are not stated above to the attending physician and to stop administration of drug.

- hypersensitivity to drug components
- epilepsy
- children's age up to 7 years
- pregnancy and the period of a lactation

Medicinal interaction
Interaction with drugs arises at prolonged use of high doses of ascorbic acid more often.
Ascorbic acid increases concentration in blood of salicylates (increases risk of a crystalluria), ethinylestradiol, benzylpenicillin and tetracyclines.
With estrogen - hormone level in blood serum increases.
With the oral contraceptives containing estrogen - the contraceptive effect decreases.
Reduces anti-coagulative effect of derivatives of coumarin.
Improves absorption in intestines of iron preparations.
Increases the general clearance of alcohol.
Drugs of a quinolinic row, Calcii chloridum, salicylates, corticosteroids at prolonged use exhaust reserves of ascorbic acid.
Acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives, fresh juice and alkaline drink reduce absorption and digestion of ascorbic acid. At simultaneous use of ascorbic acid with izoprenaliny the chronotropic action of the last decreases. In high doses increases removal of a meksiletin kidneys. Barbiturates and a pyrimidine increase removal of ascorbic acid with urine. Ascorbic acid reduces therapeutic action of antipsychotic HP (neuroleptics) – derivatives of a fenotiazin, a canalicular reabsorption of amphetamine and tricyclic antidepressants.
Calcium gluconate. Because of a possibility of formation of not soaking up complexes calcium can reduce absorption of estramustinum, the etidronat and, perhaps, other bisfosfonat, Phenytoinum, hinolon, oral tetracycline antibiotics and drugs has to make at least 3 h. Absorption of calcium from a GIT can decrease at a concomitant use of some types of food, for example, of spinach, a rhubarb, bran and grain. When assigning high doses of calcium the patient receiving foxglove drugs can increase risk of developing of arrhythmias. Thiazide diuretics reduce excretion of calcium with urine. Therefore it must be kept in mind risk of development of a hypercalcemia at their simultaneous use.
Calcium can reduce absorption of tetracycline antibiotics and drugs of fluorine at their concomitant use. Simultaneous use of vitamin D increases calcium absorption.
At simultaneous use, Dimedrol strengthens effect of ethanol and the drugs oppressing central nervous system, barbiturates, somnolent, opiate analgetics. Therefore at combined use of these drugs it is necessary to consult with the doctor for avoidance of the potentiated action.
MAO inhibitors enhance anticholinergic activity of Dimedrol.
Antagonistic interaction is noted at joint appointment with psychostimulants.
Reduces efficiency of Apomorphinum as vomitive at treatment of poisoning.
Enhances anticholinergic effects of drugs with holinoblokiruyushchy activity.
The pharmacological effect of Rutinum amplifies ascorbic acid.

Special instructions
during treatment it is necessary to avoid alcohol intake. Not to combine with intake of sleeping medicines.
Considering promoting effect of ascorbic acid on synthesis of kortikosterioidny hormones, it is necessary to control function of kidneys and the ABP. Ascorbic acid at patients with quickly proliferating and intensively metastasizing tumors can aggravate during a disease. Ascorbic acid can distort results of various laboratory tests (determination of content of glucose, bilirubin and activity of hepatic transaminases, LDG in blood plasma). Ascorbic acid is appointed with care to patients with a renal failure, or in the diseases connected with the increased vitamin D level, sarcoidosis type diseases.
It is necessary to report about all side (unusual) effects including which are not stated above to the attending physician.
In the absence of improvement of health administration of drug it is necessary to stop and see a doctor. If surgical intervention is necessary to the patient, he has to warn the doctor about administration of drug in advance.
Pregnancy and lactation.
Use of drug is not recommended.
Features of influence of drug on ability to run the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms
With care apply at the patients who are engaged in potentially dangerous types of activity requiring special attention and fast psychomotor reactions.

Symptoms: oppression of the central nervous system, excitement development (especially at children) or depressions, expansion of pupils, dryness in a mouth, spasms. Signs of a hypercalcemia: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, consciousness disturbance, a nephrocalcinosis, a calciuria and in serious cases arrhythmia and a coma.
Treatment: gastric lavage by water with activated carbon and performing symptomatic therapy. Artificial diuresis, hemodialysis.

A form of release and packing
of the Tablet on 10 pieces in planimetric bezjyacheykovy packing from packing paper with a polymeric covering from two parties. On 250 planimetric packs together with the instruction for medical use in the state and Russian languages place in a cardboard box (group packing).

To Store storage conditions in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store out of children's reach!

Period of storage
2 years.
Not to use drug after an expiration date.

Prescription status
According to the prescription

Eykos-Pharm LLP Producer, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty region, the settlement Boralday, 71 travel.

Owner of the registration certificate
of Eykos-Pharm LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty region, settlement Boralday, 71 travel.

The address of the organization accepting claims from consumers concerning quality of products
Almaty, Nusupbekov St., 32
ph. 397 64 29, fax: 250 71 78

To Develop pharm@eikos.kz
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