Altaysorbent 1g powder 20s

  • $8.10
Sku: 70eb2fc9d268
Instruction for use sorbentabad Altaysorbent Ingredients: natural mineral montmorillonite. Description: powder from light pink till light gray color, without foreign smell, slightly astringent taste. Indications: preventive and supportive application (as an enterosorbent) at: - deficit and an imbalance macro - and microelements, - medicamentous, alcoholic, chemical and allergic intoxications, - food toxicoinfections, - a conclusion from an organism of salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, free radicals and slags, - diseases and disorders of digestive tract. Route of administration and doses: To children: 14 years are also more senior - on 1 g (1 bag) 2-3 times a day. Adult: on 1 g (1 bag) 3 times a day. In average and heavy degree of a state up to 3 g (3 bags) 3 times a day. In preventive purposes 1-2 (1-2 bags) in day. To part a necessary dose of drug before receiving uniform suspension in ½ glasses of the boiled cooled water. Reception course: 15 days - reception, 5 days - a break, 15 days - reception. The repeated course is possible in 3-4 weeks. Contraindications: individual intolerance. Side effects: constipations are in some cases noted. Administration of drug can be continued, having reduced a dosage. Interaction with medicines: dietary supplement is recommended to accept Altaysorbent in 1.5-2 hours prior to or after intake of medicines. Packaging: bags on 1 g. Storage conditions: in the dry, protected from smells and toxic substances place at the room temperature. Expiration date: 3 years. Manufacturer: Arnika LLP, 070500, VKO, Glubokovsky district, item. Deep, Pirogov St., 8, Republic of Kazakhstan. The company accepting claims: Arnika LLP, 070016, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Utepov St., 13-46, Republic of Kazakhstan, phone (fax): (7232) 22-59-72
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