KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)

KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ambergris 15 mg / 2 ml 5's solution for injection in ampoules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ambergris 30 mg (20 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Azitro 250 mg (6 capsules)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Azitro 500 mg (3 coated tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Biseptrim 120 mg / 100 ml 5 ml oral suspension
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Biseptrim 240 mg / 100 ml 5 ml oral suspension
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Biseptrim 480 mg (20 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Bisoprolol 30s 10 mg coated tablets
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Bisoprolol 30s 2.5 mg coated tablets
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Chloramphenicol 500 mg (10 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ferrovie (50 coated tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ferrovie-C 25 ml drops
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
III + Cef Lido 1's 1g powder to for solution preparation
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ketotop 100 mg / 2 ml 10s solution for injection in ampoules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ketotop 100 mg / 2 ml 5's solution for injection in ampoules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ketotop 20s 50 mg capsules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ketotop® forte 20s 100 mg coated tablets
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Klarisan 10 mg (10 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Kvoreks 20s 75 mg coated tablets
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
MukalSAN 30s 2g powder for oral
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Mukaltin 50 mg (10 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Mukaltin 50 mg (30 tablets)
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Novocaine 0,5% / 2 ml 10s solution for injection in ampoules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Novocaine 0,5% / 5 ml 5's solution for injection in ampoules
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Pankrim 20s 250 mg coated tablets
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Tserulin 0.5% / 2 ml ampoules 10s
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ursodeks 100s 250 mg capsule
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Ursodeks 50s 250 mg capsule
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
MukalSAN 20s chewing tablets
Out Of Stock
KhimPharm (Kazakhstan)
Nitrosorbide 10 mg (10 tablets)
Out Of Stock