Dikulja Valentine Tibetan gel 50 ml balm Soest.
- $8.10
KorolevPharm (Russia)
Valentin Dikul's joint balm the Tibetan gel of 50 ml the Effective remedy for prevention of diseases of joints and a backbone, promotes improvement of structure and durability of ligaments, sinews, is applied in complex treatment. Properties the Tibetan balm of Dikul strengthens blood circulation in the place of influence. Interferes with formation of salt deposits. Possesses anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic action. Apitoxin Possesses expressed the anti-inflammatory, warming, anesthetizing, bactericidal, immunocorrective action, activates a blood stream, improves a metabolism in a joint and food of articulate fabrics. Increasing permeability of integuments, promotes deep penetration of medical components into problem area. A mummy - the biostimulant rich with active agents. Slows down process of aging of a joint, accelerates recovery of bones and joints, promotes reduction of the ache arising at weather changing. Sea-buckthorn oil - the broadest use oil and fruits of a sea-buckthorn find in quality of polyvitaminic means at hypo - and avitaminosis, for stimulation of physical activity, in an asthenia. This fine polyvitaminic means is very useful for the people who had serious infectious diseases and operations. Oil can be applied inside and locally as treatment-and-prophylactic cure for flu (to processing of a mucous membrane of a nose) and also in complex therapy of other acute respiratory viral infections. The ginseng is well-known tonic, fortifying and excitant. Drugs of this plant actively influence the central nervous system, increase working capacity, reduce physical and intellectual fatigue, improve appetite and stimulate sexual functions. Positive influence of a ginseng in depressions, a neurasthenia is scientifically proved. Besides, the root of life improves functional activity of a cardiovascular system and regulates the level of arterial blood pressure. Impact on an organism Strengthens blood circulation in the place of influence Interferes with formation of salt deposits Possesses anti-inflammatory spasmolytic action Indications Prevention of diseases of joints and a backbone Promotes improvement of structure and durability of ligaments, sinews, the Structure Oil of a sea-buckthorn, a mummy, apitoxin, menthol, Aloe Vera extract, ginseng extract, milk vetch extract, extract of a ginkgo of a bilob, willow-herb extract, purple cone-flower extract, ginger extract, dandelion extract, plantain extract, pine extract, sage extract, vitamin A, vitamin E the Route of administration With the preventive purpose is applied in complex treatment at aggravation threat (decrease in immunity, increased loads, catarrhal diseases, overcooling) is to rub vigorously cream-balm in a risk zone within 3 minutes 2-3 times a day. At exacerbation of osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuralgic pains to apply cream with the easy massing movements within 2 minutes 2-3 times a day. To wrap up a sore point with woolen fabric. Course from 1 to 6 weeks. In arthritis, arthrosis, gout - intensively to rub cream-balm with circular motions within 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day. To wrap up with woolen fabric. Course of 2-6 weeks. Form of release of the Tube of 50 and 100 ml Compliance to hygienic requirements of TR CU 009/2011 of the Contraindication Individual intolerance of components