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Neyrouridin (20 capsules)




Components neurouridine promote restoration of peripheral nerve fibrils and strengthening of nervous system neurouridine – specially picked up combination of neurotropic substances: vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B9, B12), nucleotide (uridinemonophosphate) and sincaline, nerve fibrils, necessary for restoration, improvement of nerve conduction, strengthening of nervous system and general condition of an organism. properties of a product are caused by properties of the components entering its Ingredients: Uridinmonofosfat – the major nucleotide necessary for maintenance of exchange processes (metabolism) in nervous tissue and formation of myelin covers of nerves. Supports adequate supply of enzymes to neurons, stimulates cell fission, activity and regeneration of peripheral nerves. Neurons have no own energy resources for synthesis of nucleotides, providing neurons with uridine is carried out through a blood flow from other cells and also with the food and additives containing uridine-5-monophosphate. Uridinmonofosfat is of particular importance for acceleration of recovery of the injured nerves. At damages of peripheral nerves the need for pirimidinovy nucleotides, such as uridinemonophosphate increases. Therefore its receipt in an organism from the outside is essential during processes of restoration and regeneration of nerves. Vitamins of group B take active part in the biochemical processes providing normal activity of various structures of nervous system. B1 vitamin (thiamine) plays a fundamental role in power generation in an organism, is necessary for growth, development and functioning of cells. Participates in creation of membranes of neurons. It is necessary for biosynthesis of acetylcholine, is the most important component of a system of carrying out excitement in nerve fibrils (due to activation of chloride ion channels in membranes of neurons). Protects cells of nervous tissues from toxic influence of products of peroxide oxidation. Helps with process of neuranagenesis. B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) is necessary for normal functioning central and peripheral nervous systems. Participates in assimilation processes by glucose neurons. It is necessary for protein metabolism and transamination of amino acids. Participates in synthesis and metabolism of a number of neurotransmitters (dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, a histamine and GABA) and ensures normal functioning of nervous system, improves function of a brain. Accelerates regenerative processes in nervous tissue. B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) plays an important role in cellular metabolism, nervous function and products of DNA. B12 vitamin is necessary for preservation of a myelin cover of neurons and for synthesis of neurotransmitters. Promotes myelination of nerve fibrils, including in affected areas of nerves. Reduces toxic effects of a glutamate concerning neurons. Folic acid (B9 vitamin) is crucial for the correct function of a brain and plays an important role in mental and emotional health. She participates in production of DNA and RNA, genetic material of an organism. Folic acid also participates in synthesis of amino acids, a myelin and is necessary for synthesis of neurotransmitters of a dopamine, epinephrine, noradrenaline and serotonin. Together with B6 and B12 vitamins exercises control of level in blood of amino acid of a gomotsistein. Sincaline is one of the main components of cell membranes of a brain and myelin covers of nerves. Participates in implementation of function of excitability and transfer of nervous impulses. Improves transfer of neuromuscular signals, increases momentum transfer speed on nerve fibrils. An important additional informatsiyatselostnost and healthy function of nerve fibrils – a basis of physical activity. Usually in medicine the nervous system is subdivided into two views – central and peripheral. A head and spinal cord treat the central nervous system, and all nerves and nerve terminations belong to peripheral nervous system. At damage of the nerves developing at disturbance in them exchange processes that happens in group B vitamin deficiency or in case of their mechanical traumatization, development of unpleasant and painful feelings is possible. So, at degenerative processes in cervical and lumbar departments of a backbone the compression or infringement of nervous roots hernia of an intervertebral disk or bone outgrowths can be shown by unpleasant feelings in a neck, a back and extremities. The human body is arranged so that can restore the damaged fabrics, including, and peripheral nerves. But their restoration requires a lot of time. Additional receipt in an organism of certain substances (vitamins of group B, nucleotides) can accelerate process of restoration and promotes faster disappearance of unpleasant feelings. Components neurouridine promote: to improvement of recovery processes in the damaged nerve fibrils to improvement of nerve conduction to decrease in muscular discomfort in cervical, chest and lumbar departments of a backbone to increase in physical activity to improvement of metabolic processes in brain fabric and peripheral nerves to strengthening of nervous system and improvement of the general condition of an organism to decrease in stressful reactions to improvement of cognitive function of a brain (memory, attention) the Scope: Neurouridine is recommended as dietary supplement to food – an additional source of B1, B6, B12 vitamins, the folic acid, sincaline containing uridinemonophosphate. Recommendations about use: the adult to accept on 1 capsule a day, washing down with enough water. Reception duration – 2-3 weeks. If necessary reception can be repeated in a month. Ingredients: DL sincaline bitartrate, uridine-5-monophosphate, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), B6 vitamin (pyridoxine hydrochloride), magnesian salts of stearic acid (antislezhivayushchy agent), B1 vitamin (thiamine hydrochloride), silicon dioxide (antislezhivayushchy agent), titan dioxide (dye), folic acid, B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine), ferrous oxide yellow (dye), ferrous oxide red (dye). Contraindications: individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor. Expiration date: 3 godausloviya of storage: to store out of children’s reach, at a temperature from 15 ºС up to 25 ºС and at relative humidity no more than 75%. Implementation conditions: through pharmacy chain and specialized shops, departments of retail chain stores. Packaging: capsules weighing 547 mg on 10 capsules in the blister, on 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 blisters in a pack cardboard, on 30, 60, 90, 120 capsules in a bottle, on 1 bottle in a pack cardboard. Dietary supplement to food. Is not medicine. Certificate of state registration No.: RU. Date of issue: 25.12.2018.


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